Explanation of Hydroponics System

        This is how we will start the growth of most  of our plants.  The good part of using hydroponics is that there will be no need for soil, largely reducing the amount of soil that will be needed on the space station.  The seeds will be placed in slots that contain water.  For the sunlight I’ll use solar battery powered lights.  When the plants get to big for this area they will be placed into the crop area.

Explanation of Layout

         This will be the layout of the agricultural areas.  In the center will be an area for grazing as well as the growth of crops.  This will be done by planting grass all around the trees.   Next there is an area for the housing of chickens and small animals.  Also there will be an area for the growth of small plants by way of hydroponics.  Thirdly there is a place for the storage of the food that will be harvested.  Finally there will be an area to store the robots that harvest the fields as well as any other maintenance equipment.